Midoriyama in Las Vegas, with the remaining twenty-five slots filled by Wildcards. from each region was guaranteed a spot in Mt. The top 15 note Just like for the qualifier, anyone who completes the course is guaranteed to move on to the finals, When the number of finishers of the course is less than fifteen, the remaining slots are filled up by those who went the furthest on the course in the fastest amount of time. In season 9, additional spots may be granted so that five female contestants also qualify., then in City Finals. In the event where less than 30 people complete the qualifier (which almost always happened), the subsequent spots are filled up by the remaining competitors who made it the furthest on the course in the fastest amount of time. note According to the rules, anyone who completes the qualifier is guaranteed to make it to the next round. Tryouts were held in regional competitions, first in qualifiers (in which the top 30 advance to the next round. There are no longer bootcamps, just tryouts. Unique to reality shows, and certainly in the spirit of Ninja Warrior, is that despite the spirit of competition, all of the people involved rooted for each other and looked to build the strongest team to show off in Japan. The team to have the lowest combined time has to send two of their members to compete against each other to determine who goes home. The contest set up three groups of five to go against each other in various obstacles, usually items inspired by Midoriyama and including a physical strain between obstacles. It initially evolved into an elaborate competition after a preliminary elimination round. The opportunity to compete has grown to a large group of hopefuls who got the best time on an obstacle course.

The show had its origins as a more straightforward competition prize offered by G4TV, who ran the English-subtitled Ninja Warrior. It currently airs on NBC, and it's the sole surviving show from the original version of G4TV which shuttered in 2012. In fact, for the first three seasons, the prize for the show was being a member of the 10 American athletes who were flown to Japan to compete among the Ninja Warrior All-Stars. American Ninja Warrior is a reality show inspired by the bi-annual competition in Japan, Sasuke/ Ninja Warrior.